2024-2025 Grants
At Beachland Elementary, we believe in creating an inspiring environment for our students. The PTA Grant Program is your chance to bring innovative ideas and enriching activities to life.
Each year, the PTA budgets funds specifically to support this program -- made possible by our fundraising and sponsorship efforts. This is why your participation in these activities is so important -- you have a say in how we shape our school's future!
Teachers, staff, families, and students can submit proposals through
Friday, January 31st.
Grant voting will take place on February 28th, 2025 at our General PTA Meeting.
8:00 AM in the MEDIA CENTER
Come at 7:30 AM to review grants and ask questions
Field trip assistance for all grade levels
Updated seating for our Media Center
Updated PE materials
Supplies for classrooms
Orlando Science Center night
Keyboards for Music class
Flexible seating and materials for ESE
Software subscriptions
New shed, raised beds, and supplies for Garden Club
Assistance for 5th Grade Marine Lab Field Trip
Shade Umbrellas for the Courtyard​​​
A Day in the Life Extended Study (ORCA) 1st-5th grade
Supplies for BES Hydroponic Garden
Supplies for STEAM bins
3rd Annual OSC Night
Second grade Science Supplies
Drum set for Behavioral Tech
Kindergarten outdoor Brain Break
Kindergarten Butterfly Garden
5th grade Owl Pellet Lab
Science Olympiad fees and supplies
Assorted flexible seating options
Learning Stairwells
Paper cutters for campus
Media Center Seating
Supplies for Science Lab
2 Traffic Signal Noise Meters for Use in Cafeteria During Lunch​​
Stage Decorations for Shark Singers
​Student Benches
1st Grade Tricky Word Garden
Science & Math Olympiad Registration & Supplies
ESE VE Classroom Sensory Materials
Flexible Seating
Grade Level Materials for Curriculum Support
Beachland Elementary PTA
2024-2025 Grants Process and Rules
The Beachland Elementary PTA Grant program supports programs and activities that enhance and enrich student learning and experiences while building our Beachland Elementary community.
Grant Proposals Scheduling and Submission
All grants are due by 5 p.m. on January 31st, 2025.
Grants must be submitted via the application below.
Grant Guidelines
Proposals may be submitted for but are not limited to projects, activities, books, equipment, community engagement events, teacher and classroom support, and funding and volunteer support that enrich student learning and experiences at Beachland Elementary.
Grant requests may be submitted by teachers, staff, parents, and students. While preference is given to proposals that serve students school-wide, students, teachers, staff, and/or parents are encouraged to submit proposals that will benefit individual classrooms or grade levels.
All proposals will be reviewed by the PTA's Executive Committee and the school's Principal. Submissions will only be removed from consideration at this step if they:
Do not meet the PTA funding guidelines outlined in this document.
Do not conform to the noncommercial, nonsectarian, and nonpartisan policies outlined in the PTA bylaws.
Are deemed inappropriate by the school Principal and/or Executive Committee.
Can be funded via other funding sources (i.e., School District).
After review, the board will present proposals to the PTA general membership at the next membership meeting for voting. All grant requestors are encouraged to attend to answer questions and support their proposal.
The general membership will be reminded of the following funding criteria of the PTA to consider in their granting decisions:
Relevance to curriculum, school and/or district goals
Benefit to students or program/department
The number of students and/or grades benefited
Length of program: short-term or long-term (funds must be spent within the current school year)
Demonstrated need - funding is not a school or district responsibility
Amount requested
Funds available
Please note: Grants may be fully, partially, or not funded.
Purchasing, Reimbursement, Failure to Use Award
All items purchased with grant funding become the property of Beachland Elementary School. Supplies purchased for a specific teacher's use will remain with the teacher. Supplies or technology purchased to support a grade-level curriculum will stay with that grade level regardless of the applicant's assignment.
Grant recipients have two spending options:
Option 1: Reimbursement
The product is purchased. Purchaser submits a reimbursement form to the PTA with original receipts attached.
Note: Recipients will be reimbursed for actual expenses up to, but not exceeding, the grant amount. Upon grant approval, PTA will provide tax-exempt information for use during purchasing. Original invoices and receipts are required for all reimbursements. Reimbursement forms can be requested by emailing grants@beachlandpta.org . After completing, please email your completed form with all receipts attached to grants@beachlandpta.org .
Option 2: PTA direct payment
Complete a check request form requesting payment direct to the vendor (attach a copy of the completed order form). The PTA will write a check payable to the vendor and return the check to your requested location. Please use a check to pay the vendor directly and submit paid invoice to grants@beachlandpta.org.
All funds must be used or earmarked by April 25th, 2025*.
Please email grants@beachlandpta.org with any additional questions.
*Please make sure to discuss any issues with this date directly with the Grant Coordinator, Ty Marcelin, grants@beachlandpta.org